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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

UMFK Professor of Music Returns from European Tour

November 27, 2019

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.

Dr. Scott Brickman and Ms. Makar in UkraineUniversity of Maine at Fort Kent Professor of Music and Education, Dr. Scott Brickman, recently returned from Europe where two of his newest compositions premiered. On October 31 at the Church of Mary Magdalene in L’viv, Ukraine, Brickman’s Dies Irae, a portion of the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass, was performed by soprano soloist Christina Makar, with Ferdinando Nazzaro conducting the Sacrarium Chorus and Lemberg Sinfonietta. This is the third such work of Brickman’s that Ms. Makar has sang since December, 2018.

Additionally, Brickman’s Von Himmel Hoch (2019) for clarinet and cello, was premiered in Brussels, Belgium, on November 15, 2019, by Geraldine Fastre, clarinet, Bruno Ispiola, cello, at the Cultural Center of Evere. This event was part of the Osmose Intermezzo Festival and sponsored in part by the Belgian Composer’s Union.

Though appreciative of all of his performances, Dr. Brickman was especially pleased to have his first performance in Belgium, and hopes to disseminate his work more widely in Europe during the near future.

Dr. Brickman holds music degrees from the University of Wisconsin and Brandeis University. Dr. Brickman has taught at UMFK since the fall of 1997. Currently, 12 recordings have been made of his work and are available both as CDs as well as on digital platforms such as Amazon, iTunes and Spotify.