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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

"Art Reminds Us" on exhibit at UMFK Blake Library

May 8, 2013

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.



Students in photograph from left to right: Kersti Ackley, Krystal Paradis, Ivon Portellez


The University of Maine at Fort Kent's Blake Library Gallery will feature, "Art Reminds Us" the work of students in Therese Provenzano's Art 430 Drawing and Painting class. The exhibition will be on display through Friday, May 17.

The exhibit is comprised of thirty-six paintings and drawings. The mediums explored are: pastels, watercolors, oils, acrylics, gouache, graphite, and char-kole.

Provenzano shared, "How do you construct a painting that has visible elements of drawing materials and paint? How do you invent color when the subject is nearly colorless? How do you convey a message to the viewer about what snow or disaster means to you? These were some of the challenges the students of Art 430 set out to answer. Art does remind us of where we have been and where we would like to go. It is important to pay attention to what is underneath, where we are afraid. Creativity requires facing ourselves and that takes courage."

The students represented in the exhibition are: Kersti Ackley (Perry), Ellen Borges (Fort Kent), Sean Doman (Queens, New York), Debra Durkin (Fort Kent), Ivon Portellez (Fort Kent), Ariane Laberge-Pelletier (Saint Jerome, Quebec), Brenda LaCombe (Wallagrass), Alain Morin (St. Agatha), Krystal Paradis (Frenchville), and Amanda Violette (Caribou).

Ivon Portellez, an art minor, shared, "All artists must never let fear get in the way of their success. A wise person once told me, if you are afraid to go there, that is exactly where you need to go."

Kersti Ackley, an art minor, stated, "There are many things that inspire me to make art. It is hard to explain. It is just my absolute desire to make art - to make something beautiful out of a piece of paper with some color. The fact that I can bring something from nothing absolutely amazes me. Art is also risky, but I love the risk. All of the different ways the projects were interpreted are amazing."

Brenda LaCombe commented, "My art is a work in progress. There is always something new to explore and often requires an artist to go outside of his or her comfort zone. Art allows me to explore possibilities, to nurture new ideas, and to create compositions that speak to the viewer."

Ellen Borges shared, "Ultimately, what I learned was a new way to paint: with no predetermined images or agenda…but with spontaneous and visceral memories to guide me. I learned to rely on the subconscious and accompanying emotions."

Krystal Paradis, an art minor, commented, "The part I enjoyed the most was creating the musical flute man. I got this idea because the man in the painting reminded me of the old character, Yankee Doodle. The Egyptian statue reminded me of a snake charmer; therefore, this character plays the clarinet. Overall, creating each assignment had their challenges that were overcome in the end. I really enjoyed this class and am excited for Art 351 Drawing this fall."

Debra Durkin stated, "Most of the time I work in the solitude of my studio, but it is refreshing to come up for air now and again and take a class. A class offers the opportunity to see how others approach their work and what they see in yours."

Sean Doman expressed, "I really enjoyed my time in class drawing and painting and kicking it with my peers. My professor would instill confidence within me when I didn't think I could finish a piece or even go about it. She would challenge my thoughts of what to create, how to go about it and bring out the best in me, which I really appreciated."

The exhibit may be viewed during UMFK's Blake Library hours. For more information, contact Sofia Birden, gallery curator, at (207) 834-7527.