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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

UMFK faculty and staff exhibit at Blake Library

March 2, 2015

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.


The University of Maine at Fort Kent Blake Library will host an exhibit of art, “Eclectic Collection of UMFK,” that university faculty and staff created. The work will be on display through the month of March.

“Eclectic Collection of UMFK” is a mix of photographs, paintings, writings, three-dimensional work, textile work, and more that UMFK faculty and staff created. This art exhibit pulls together a collection of work by the community of people who work every day on the UMFK campus.

Gallery curator and exhibitor Sofia Birden said, “Every person's style is different, and every person comes from a different background, but we are all connected by the personal day to day interactions we have in our work-life, and in some cases our personal life.”

macro photograph of flower by Brenda Pelletier

Nature inspired some of the exhibitors to use landscapes, flowers, and creatures to express their inner artist. Others looked to history and the work of past craftspeople and artists to develop their artistic style. While some looked internally, juxtaposing their inner self with outer influences as a source of inspiration.

The exhibitors range from those who have studied the arts, learning from artists in their own right, to those who taught themselves by simply paying attention to the world around them and learning the various techniques of their chosen medium.

“Eclectic Collection of UMFK” pulls together this wide collection of people and their work. The people themselves have much to say about their work, their inspirations, and a snapshot of what they feel deeply about. Doris Metz, who works with quilts, discussed the fact that all people have a creative side that they should share with others. She says, “…we are all more than what our careers or others imagine us to be.”

Danielle Thibeault, whose medium is paints, says she loves making something out of nothing. She says, “I enjoy sharing the beauty that I see in the most mundane of things.”

photograph of textiles and knitted goods by Debra Durkin

Poet and writer, Geraldine Cannon Becker says, “Some of us may make art, because we have to—we may feel compelled by an inner force—something that refuses to be contained.”

Debra Durkin, who works with fiber in many forms, speaks to her use of ancient techniques, which many people developed and used worldwide. “To find myself in this line of artisans is most humbling.”

John Metz captures the world through a photographic lens. He says that “ always learns from each picture they have taken.”

photograph at the Grand Canyon by Steve Michaud

Brenda Pelletier and Steve Michaud both express the beauty one sees and experiences while in the creative frame of mind. Michaud says, “There is beauty to be seen everywhere and in everyone; we simply need to know where to look for it.” Pelletier, who sees beauty in the seasons, said “No matter what season, take time to smell the flowers and enjoy the beauty of life.”

Other exhibitors showing their work include Dave Hobbins, Scott Brickman, Scott Voisine, Jeffry Dubis, Joe Zubrick, Terry Murphy, and Therese Provenzano.

Visitors may view the exhibit during regular Blake Library hours. For more information, please contact Gallery Curator Sofia Birden at (207) 834-7527.