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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

Fulbright Scholar to Speak on changes in Bilingualism

April 18, 2019

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.

The University of Maine at Fort Kent is pleased to announce that Dr. Anabella Niculescu-Gorpin will be giving the presentation, “Bilingualism and English-Induced Language Change,” in Nadeau Hall at 4:30 pm on Monday, April 29, 2019. This event is free to the public.

“This is another opportunity for UMFK to emphasize how important bilingualism is to this area,” said UMFK President John Short. “The deep Acadian roots of the St. John Valley helped to shape UMFK into what it is today and we are very proud of that heritage.”

Dr. Anabella-Gloria Niculescu-Gorpin is a Researcher III at the Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti Institute of Linguistics, Romanian Academy and a Lecturer at the University of Bucharest. She was awarded her doctorate by the University of Manchester in 2007. She won a postdoctoral grant from the Romanian Academy (2011–2013) and coordinated a young researchers’ project A multidisciplinary approach to language contact and language change in present-day Romanian (2015–2017) that analyses the current rapid language change phenomena Romanian has been undergoing for decades within a psycholinguistics framework. Her research has focused on pragmatics, psycholinguistics, language contact and language change. Since 2011 she has conducted research on the influence of English and the Anglo-Saxon culture on present-day Romanian. She has participated in over 60 international conferences and published on the topic, with a monograph in Romanian in 2013. She organized The First International Conference on Emotions, Language Processing and Psycholinguistic Testing in 2017 at the Institute. Dr. Niculescu-Gorpin is currently a Senior Fulbright Scholar in the US, conducting her research at Texas A&M International University, Laredo.

“Dr. Niculescu-Gorpin is a foremost scholar on bilingualism and the influence of English on Romanian,” said UMFK Associate Professor of History and Education, Dr. Paul Buck. “This is of the utmost importance for French-English bilingual residents of the Valley to participate in a discussion with a scholar of her prestige. Her research can be tied to the linguistic realities of the St. John Valley.”

For more information, please contact Dr. Paul Buck, UMFK Fulbright campus liaison, at 207-834-7563.

This presentation is conducted through the Fulbright Scholar Program’s Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF). OLF enables Visiting Scholars to share their research interests, speak about their home country, and exchange ideas with U.S. students, faculty, and community organizations. Through these lectures, universities forge relationships with the Fulbright Scholar Program, Visiting Scholars, and the Visiting Scholar’s home and host institutions.