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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

UMFK Professor of Forestry Named Mollie Beattie Young Forester of the Year

March 31, 2021

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.

Dr. Nicole Rogers receives the Mollie Beattie Young Forester Leadership AwardThe University of Maine at Fort Kent is thrilled to announce that Dr. Nicole Rogers has recently been awarded the Mollie Beattie Young Forester Leadership Award by the New England Society of American Foresters (SAF). The award is presented annually to a member who is under 40 years old at the time of nomination and has shown outstanding leadership in a program or project benefiting the practice of forestry.

“Dr. Rogers is very active on the UMFK campus as well as in SAF where she serves as the chair of the Maine chapter, chair of the New England SAF silviculture working group and is planner of next year's New England SAF annual meeting,” said UMFK Forestry program coordinator, Jeff Dubis. “She is always working with students, conducting her own research, or publishing her latest paper in peer-reviewed journals.”

Dr. Rogers teaches courses from dendrology and forest mensuration to grant writing and introduction to GPS. She also co-leads the week-long forestry immersion camp at UMFK’s Violette Camp in the Allagash wilderness.

"Nicole is very well deserving of this award,” said Dubis. “In the few years that she has been at UMFK, she has proven to be a dedicated, hardworking faculty member. Even with a heavy teaching load, she has managed to continue to remain involved in forest research and in the Society of American Foresters. Nicole is also a role model for young women who may be interested in pursuing a career in forestry. She has definitely displayed the leadership characteristics that this award recognizes her for and I have no doubt she will continue to grow in her leadership role in the forestry profession.”

In the past year, Dr. Rogers has been the lead or co-author on three publications in the Journal of Canadian Forest Research, lead author on a forth-coming paper for the Northern Hardwood Conference in June 2021. She will also be a co-keynote speaker at this conference. She recently completed 3-year grant-funded research project through the Cooperative Forestry Research Unit.

“We are very proud of the accomplishments Dr. Rogers has achieved in her short time here,” said UMFK’s President and Provost, Dr. Deb Hedeen. “Her commitment to student learning and advancing forest research is commendable.”

Dr. Rogers recently submitted a proposal for research funding through the Maine Economic Improvement Fund, Small Campus Initiative. If funded, it would involve other UMFK faculty and more importantly, students in several of her classes to help collect and analyze data on climate change and forest dynamics in northern Maine.

For more information on Dr. Rogers or the Forestry program at UMFK, please go to or call (207) 834-7500.