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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

UMFK Art 454 students paintings on display at Blake Library Gallery through April 24

April 9, 2015

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.


The University of Maine at Fort Kent Blake Library Gallery is featuring, In and Out of the Art Room-Landscape Paintings, the work of students in Therese L. Provenzano's Art 454 Painting the Maine Landscape class. The exhibition will be on display through April 24.

Art 454 Painting the Maine Landscape introduced the challenges of painting the landscape as a subject within a studio environment, the art room, and painting outdoors. Students began the course creating landscape paintings directly from nature, outdoors. When the weather cooled, students created landscape paintings working from a photograph and value sketches, indoors.

Provenzano said, “The benefit of taking such a course allowed students to develop methods and tools for bringing expressive and expansive qualities found in nature, indoors. Challenges presented themselves with each learning environment whether working outdoors or in the art room. Painting outdoors developed observation and perception skills on how the autumn leaves changed color and fell to the ground from week to week. Students grasped and experienced an understanding of a changing light that occurred when working in nature and a fixed light when working from a photograph.”

Provenzano's students shared their feelings from the experience.

Pastel painting by Kristen Champagne

“Those moments in class where we did paint outside made me feel like I was out of this world, looking onto it in amazement and awe at the beauty of the ever-changing landscape. It is an experience like no other to find yourself lost in nature without ever leaving the place you have been the whole time.” - Student Krystal Paradis

“It's about soaking up every bit of beauty of the swaying green grass above the river, and once you can admire those things, you learn to portray them. As intimidating as stepping into this class was, I'm so glad I've done it. I've discovered so many things about myself. I love to draw, I can sketch, I can recreate images from nature and photographs, but most importantly, I can continue drawing and painting confidently, because I now know, I'm an artist.” - Devon Cote

Pastel painting by Krystal Paradis

“The colors were what really grabbed me. I loved the brown fields, with wisps of this light cream color coming off the dying grass in the field as it reflects the light of the sun. It wasn't until I came to UMFK that I really felt as if I could possess any talent for creating art. I learned a lot studying with Therese and hope to put my skills to the test by continuing to paint and create art.” - Mark Olson

“I went in looking for perfection and learned that it is nearly impossible to achieve, but I feel that this is something that also applies to everyday life. You need to make the most of what is given to you, rather than constantly wanting something different or better. All in all, I am happy with this piece because I was able to accept this fact.” - Kristen Champagne

“A painter can't wait for an ideal time to work, because it will never get done. Using pastels was a great discovery for me. It was challenging and exciting at the same time.” - Francine Dumond

Pastel painting by Mark Olson

“It was a great, new experience for me and I actually enjoyed painting in a new environment that was out of my comfort zone.” - Shelagh Van Anglen

The following students are showing their work in the exhibition: Kersti Ackley, Ellen Borges, Kristen Champagne, Devon Cote, Lacy Cyr, Francine Dumond, Zachary Ladd, Amos Michaud, Jessany Munoz, Mark Olson, Krystal Paradis, and Shelagh Van Anglen.

Visitors may view the exhibition during regular library hours. For more information, please contact Gallery Curator Sofia Birden at 834-7527.