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Enrollment & Advancement Center • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

8th Annual "Young Artist Exhibition" on display at UMFK Blake Library Gallery

April 3, 2017

Note: this is an archived news release. As such, the information provided may no longer apply.

Jessica Osgood
Jessica Osgood - Self portrait charcoal on paper

The University of Maine at Fort Kent, the Blake Library Gallery and Thérèse L. Provenzano, UMFK Adjunct Visual Art Instructor, will host its eighth annual “Young Artist Exhibition” featuring the talented young artists from the St. John Valley public schools. The exhibit will be on display through Friday, April 14th.

Lacy and McKenzie
Lacy Pelletier & McKenzie Bernier - Mosaic Roman art paper

The schools participating in this year’s exhibition are Madawaska Middle High School, Community High School of Fort Kent, and Valley Rivers Middle School.

The young artists represented in the exhibition from Madawaska Middle High School are Megan Roy, Christopher Thibodeau, Brianne Thibeault, Dakota Cyr, Kayla Martin, Kevin Ayotte, Jessica Osgood, Felicia St. Pierre, Matthew Cyr, Delaney Deschaine, Gabriella Cyr, Sarah Gendreau, Genesis Bourgoin, and Marion Cyr. Lisa Welch is their art teacher.

Bryce Madore
Bryce Madore - Conte crayon self portrait

The young artists represented in the exhibition from Fort Kent Community High School are Macey Thibodeau, Tobi Cyr, Bryce Madore, Adrianna Levesque, Joanna Becker, Isiac Chasse, Mitchell Charette, Jonathan Bauch, Riley Troyer, and Bailey O’Brien. Doug Clapp is their art teacher.

The young artists represented in the exhibition from Valley Rivers Middle School are Mahraya Erickson, Lacy Pelletier, Allee Morgan, Sam Albert, Kaleb Carney, and McKenzie Bernier. Doug Clapp is their art teacher.

Megan Roy
Megan Roy - Charcoal on paper self portrait

The students represented in the “Young Artist Exhibition” will make a class trip to see their work hanging in the Blake Library gallery. Each student will receive a certificate of participation signed by Thérèse L. Provenzano and UMFK President Dr. John N. Short.

The exhibition can be viewed during library hours. For further information, please contact Gallery Curator, Sofia Birden, at (207) 834-7527.