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Dr. Neil Thompson

Neil Thompson

Irving Woodlands Forestry Professor

Dr. Neil Thompson, Ph.D. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Northern British Columbia, 2017; B.Sc. Forestry, University of Maine, 2013.

Dr. Thompson is the academic advisor for all incoming first-year Forestry students, teaches Introduction to Forestry, and leads the Cooperative Forestry Research Unit. He coordinates the spruce budworm overwintering population monitoring program for the CFRU, which provides many opportunities for student employment. His research work includes a long-term stream monitoring project geared towards predicting temperature regimes for headwater streams in northern Maine. In addition to his formal research capacity, Neil looks after both greenhouses on campus, a plantation of American chestnut in the Fournier BioPark, and a collection of 200+ nest boxes for songbirds, ducks, native solitary bees, and bats that form the basis of senior research projects in the Environmental Studies program.