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Human Resources

Cyr Hall • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

 Introducing the Bengal Bravo!

May 24, 2017
Posted by: Alyssa Anaya

Dear Colleagues,

One of the very bright spots on our campus each day is the work of every member of our faculty and staff. I am constantly amazed and, in equal parts, encouraged by what I see us accomplish together in support of our students and in meeting our educational mission.

From my perspective it’s past time to begin consistently highlighting all of those wonderful contributions especially when one considers the efficacy of the concept that “Culture is what happens within an organization when nobody is looking.”

University of Maine at Fort Kent logoNo matter what your take on that statement, I think we’d all agree that often times the most creative, innovative, and thoughtful support for our campus community occurs not under the spotlight but in quiet, competent, thoughtful, and tangible ways every day and in every way.

That’s why I was so excited to introduce our new Bengal Bravo Recognition Program at our recent recognition of service ceremony. What a thrill to present the first special card to a special colleague!

Moving forward, imagine coming to work and finding a card on your desk upon which a colleague has written their thanks for your demonstration of Bengal Pride. Reflect upon the sense of value and teamwork that comes with knowing your having gone the extra mile has not gone unnoticed. Feels pretty good, doesn’t it?

Have an idea to celebrate someone’s extra effort and the difference they’ve made at UMFK?

UMFK Bengal BravoBeginning this week, I invite you to stop by my office and pick up a  Bengal Bravo Recognition card. I think you’ll like the bright color look on the front, but more than that the space on the back where you can highlight something special someone has done to move us all forward.

Fill it out, address the envelope and leave it where your colleague can find it to share the feeling that comes with the fact and the act that shows someone noticed extra effort and dedication.

Better yet, take a moment with your fellow employees to pause and recognize one of your teammates for something special or extraordinary with the Bengal Bravo as the memento of those heartfelt accolades and thanks.

However you choose to share a Bengal Bravo, our UMFK community will benefit in the exchange as we come together to celebrate what makes the University of Maine at Fort Kent a very special place to work and learn.  


President Short