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Human Resources

Cyr Hall • University of Maine at Fort Kent • 23 University Drive, Fort Kent, ME 04743

 HR News Now Available

March 1, 2017
Posted by: Alyssa Anaya

Timely updates and helpful information are always at a premium on campus and that’s why we’re pleased to announce an exciting collaborative project between your UMFK Office of Human Resources and UMFK Media Services.

Effective March 1, you will have new and improved access to important HR updates now available in a variety of helpful formats.

Through the wonderful support of Steve Michaud, a refreshed news window is now up and running on the HR page and that’s where you’ll find important advisories on human resources matters as well as interesting features on how your colleagues are taking advantage of System-wide and campus HR services and programs.

When you visit, please feel free to review the refreshed material and subscribe to the UMFK Human Resources network of notifications as well. It’s easy and ensures that you’ll never miss an important post!

All you have to do upon arrival is look for the RSS icon located adjacent to the Employee News header. The link located in the icon next to the title provides easy access to subscribing to the feed. Once you’ve made your selection to participate, notices of new content will be automatically forwarded your way.

And, Web Push Notifications are another feature of this new channel of outreach. This outstanding offering is supported in Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. 

When you visit the new information site or any of its posts, supported browsers will prompt you to consider allowing push notifications from UMFK’s Office of Human Resources as well. Don’t miss this opportunity.

And, there’s one more way to keep informed and that’s looking for a fresh headline notice directly under the HR site’s image across the top of the page.

So, no matter how you prefer to receive information, pushed or posted, your HR updates are now more available than ever before!


Alyssa Anaya

Interim Senior Human Resources Partner, University of Maine at Fort Kent