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Business Management Internships

Internships within the UMFK Business Management program provide business students with the opportunity to apply business management theories and practices within their career interest area. The student is exposed to specific knowledge regarding the firm sponsoring the internship. Students are required to find, gain admission, and complete specific periods of participation in a firm consistent with the intern’s career goals. Students will typically intern in the Fall of their Junior Year at UMFK. Students may intern fall, spring, or summer with program permission. The internship is an opportunity to develop learning goals, work with potential employers in your field of interest, and gain experience from professionals.


Students matriculated prior to 2022:

All business management majors and students in select concentration tracks in other programs are required to take BUS 397 (6 to 8 credits depending on program year) to fulfill program requirements. Each credit equals a minimum of 45 hours of internship work plus related academic activities. Students should meet with their advisor to discuss career plans and their internship. Students should contact the Internship Coordinator the semester prior to enrolling in the internship course to understand expectations and complete required program paperwork. The deadline for Fall enrollment annually is May 5.

Students matriculated in 2022 and after:

Students matriculating into business-related programs will have the option to complete the Internship or the Business Career Research Seminar. Students should confer with their advisors to make the appropriate choice for their academic and career plans.

UMFK Internship Credit Student Eligibility (Minimum)

  • Applicants must have completed their sophomore year (30 credits).
  • Students must experience new learning during the internship.
    • Internships with organizations for which a student is already working or that they have worked with in the past must contain significant projects and/or independent work that is new to the intern.
  • The internship must be approved by UMFK in advance and conform to FLSA.

UMFK Credit Request Requirements (Minimum)

  • Students must complete 45 clock hours at their internship for every hour of credit requested (270 hours for a 6 credit internship).
  • Business internships are for a minimum of 6 credit hours and a maximum of 12 credit hours with program permission.
  • Students must register for BUS 397 after the proposal is received and approved by the start of the internship semester.
  • Students must complete required hours and assignments for a passing grade as detailed in the syllabus.
  • It is preferred that students complete one internship to meet the program requirements rather than multiple internships.
  • Students who anticipate missing more than 10% of semester time due to university excused events (student affairs, sports) may not enroll in an internship that semester.


Students should first meet with their faculty advisor about scheduling the internship in their academic program of study. Then the student should reach out to the Internship Coordinator in advance of program deadlines to discuss the process and enroll as well as review the Business Internship Student Guide.

Student Internship Checklist

  • Meet with Internship Faculty Coordinator to discuss internship prior to contacting prospective host sites
  • Identify and meet with the host site for the internship to solicit commitment
  • Complete Internship Proposal Form and attachments
    • Proposal Form
    • Resume
    • Learning Goals and Objectives
    • Internship Description
  • Submit Internship Proposal Form and attachments to internship faculty coordinator for approval
  • Have internship supervisor sign the University Internship Sponsor Agreement Form
  • Register for BUS 397 after forms are approved and meet university obligations for course enrollment
  • Complete internship hours by the end of the semester
  • Complete internship assignments by the end of the semester
  • Attend weekly seminars as assigned


The UMFK Business Internship is a great way to mentor students in their learning, connect with UMFK students, faculty, and staff, and identify a potential pipeline of prospective employees for their firm. Students have interned in several areas, including accounting, finance, general management, forestry, operations, banking, athletics, and more. The UMFK internship program allows on-site, hybrid, and remote internships. Interested employers should contact the program for more information or to share an opportunity.

Common Questions

What's the difference between an internship and a job?

The National Society for Experiential Education defines an internship as "a carefully monitored work or volunteer experience in which an individual has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what they are learning throughout the experience."

NACE defines it as: "An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths, and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent."

Students will have learning goals they want to and need to meet with the help of their internship supervisor that will make the internship more meaningful while connecting the experience to the student's academic courses.

What are the criteria to call an opportunity an internship?

UMFK, to ensure that an experience — whether it is a traditional internship or one conducted remotely or virtually — is educational and thus eligible to be considered a legitimate internship, has adopted the NACE definition.

Internships must meet all the following criteria:

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  2. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  3. The experience has a defined beginning and end and a job description with desired qualifications.
  4. There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  5. There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  6. There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor.
  7. There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.
What is the process for hosting an internship?

Students will meet with their faculty advisor to confirm they are eligible for an internship. Then students meet with the internship coordinator to understand requirements and receive the required paperwork. Students then will contact prospective organizations. Once an agreement is reached with the organization, a proposal including an internship description, learning goals and outcomes, and proposal form, along with signatures, are completed. The program will review the submission with the student and either identify any questions or work with the student to enroll in the internship course. For more information, please review the UMFK Business Management Program Internship Guide for Prospective Employers or contact the UMFK Internship Coordinator via

What does the UMFK business program do during the internship?

Students are enrolled in the internship course during the semester. Students will attend a weekly seminar and have regular assignments during the internship period they are required to complete in addition to working with their organization. The internship coordinator conducts the evaluations with the supervisors and is available to answer any questions or concerns.


Interested in hosting a UMFK intern at your business or organization? If so, please reach out directly to the program at or 207-834-8649.

Checklist for Potential Internship Supervisors and Sites

  • Develop internship position description with the student
  • Adhere to all local, state, and federal laws concerning internships
  • Complete and sign the required portion of the Internship Proposal form with the student
  • Develop learning goals, outcomes, and activities with student
  • Complete the university internship site agreement form with the student (to be provided after the program approves the internship)
  • Meet with the intern (and faculty/staff advisor as appropriate) to establish internship expectations
  • Conduct an intern orientation and regular training and skill development of the intern
  • Establish and conduct regularly scheduled supervision meetings to review progress and provide feedback
  • Certify the student's attendance and provide documentation of internship hours
  • Complete a mid-term evaluation to UMFK via the online form
  • Complete an end of internship evaluation to UMFK via the online form